A leuco by any other name would still be as glutto
I just posted about Aldrovanda in regards to the new tank I am setting up, but I came upon a tangental question that warranted a new thread:
How does one obtain Aldrovanda? I am receiving my first sprig from a member here (thanks, Paul!), but does any store on the web sell it for purchase in the US? Is it all trading?
I did see a guy selling a one inch strand for $10 on eBay... *ouch*
I am just wondering about future acquisitions, such as the red form (assuming I can grow the green one)...
How does one obtain Aldrovanda? I am receiving my first sprig from a member here (thanks, Paul!), but does any store on the web sell it for purchase in the US? Is it all trading?
I did see a guy selling a one inch strand for $10 on eBay... *ouch*
I am just wondering about future acquisitions, such as the red form (assuming I can grow the green one)...