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New to Darlingtonia...is it still alive?

I've seen pictures of Darlingtonias during winter time before and it doesn't look this dry. I'm in Zone 8 and I know that they're from this region.
It got down to about 15°F and the pot of frozen solid for about 4 - 5 days before I decided to bring it in (into an unheated room), it was also a tad windy the previous day but I kept it sheltered.


Thank you very much
Not able to see your picture from flickr without logging in. You might try imbedding the photo into your post to get more response.

Without seeing the picture its hard to say. They are pretty cold tolerant in my experience. I know that the Darlingtonia habitat that is a few hours drive from me, is most likely frozen solid at least a few inches down right now, and has been for probably a week. I imagine the plants will die back some (in your case maybe quite a bit) but they are pretty good at coming back when it gets warmer out.
It's difficult to see from your picture but if it is still green around the growth point it may be still alive. Freezing and thawing out too quickly usually isn't good. Just keep your fingers crossed and see what happens in the spring. I normally repot my Darlingtonia in a pot at least 1 size larger than for a normal plant. The extra media acts as a thermal buffer.


Does that work
Sorry im on my phone, usually im good at linking flicker images

Incase it still doesnt work, ill describe it.
The pitchers feel dry, not crunchy dry but soft, rubbery type of dry. Its all dark green and shrivled looking but it doesnt loom like moisture has been pulled out, just seems like its thirsty or something but it was rained on all day before the frost started
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