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Nepenthes odd growth

Hi everyone. Im new to these forums. Im Dante from Argentina.
I have a small terrarium for my new Nepenthes, but the new leaves are growing in spirals, with oddly shapes and never finish to grow.
They have close to 29ºc and 80% or more of humidity.
Any ideas of what could be happening?



They have close to 29ºc and 80% or more of humidity.

Depending on the species that might be very warm for them already. What species are you growing, and what are the nighttime temperatures in the terrarium?

Information on soil, lighting and watering would also be useful.
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I've seen similar issues issues with outdoor Sarracenia and Drosera. Have any herbicides been used near these plants ?
I've seen similar issues issues with outdoor Sarracenia and Drosera. Have any herbicides been used near these plants ?

No, at least not for a long time

Species are:
N. x ventrata (first pic)
N. viking x (unknown)
N. mirabilis var. globosa (last pic)

Soil is a peat perlite mix.
Temperatures are MAX 29ºC during the day, 22ºC during the night.
Humidity is between 80% - 87%
I mist once or twice a day.

Lights are 2x37watts + 1x27watts CFL 6500k
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Damage looks consistent with herbicide drift.
It's weird since I've never used herbicides and I'm almost sure the seller didn't use...
What do you recommend? Maybe a repot? To clear anything that could be in the soil? I didn't want to do it to avoid further stress on the plants.
It could be chimeric growth, or possibly a thrips attack ,as deformed leaves tend to follow wherever they go. The plants you are growing do fine in lowland temps, so if you can you might want to up the daytime temperature.
Thrips would be my 2nd guess. I don't see any of the characteristic fecal staining or wounded leaves though.
Maybe an insecticide then?
  • #10
My plants did this once when I over-fertilized. I got lazy after a coffee dose and forgot to flush a few pots. The new growth was very wavy and veiny, like the third picture. I didn't lose any plants, but the affected ones put out several deformed leaves before returning to normal. Could this be a possibility, Dante?