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Nepenthes hookeriana...a classic natural hybrid

This one is a classic!  Nepenthes hookeriana is a simple hybrid, produced naturally in the wild, that always seems to get lots of attention from visitors.  Always was one of my favorites.  Here's one growing in my greenhouse...
nice gr8oz

loooks like ampullaria and coccinea sorta?

alot like ampularia
Does anyone have a good picture of Nepenthes x hookeriana? I have looked online but have found conflicting images. I am interested in purchasing one and would like to get a feel on the actual shape of the urns. Also, anyone know of a good source for this plant. If you do, pm me please.


A tubby rafflesianaish ampullariaish.  Typically greenish with purple spots/speckles some stripes in the peristome frilly wings and semi upright lid!  There are other color forms depending on the colors of the ampullaria and rafflesiana parents.

This would be a more typical type

Image thanks to Exotica plants

Thank you very much for that image. Very nice

