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N. Rafflesiana for trade

So I've had this N. rafflesiana for about 6 years now. Unfortunately I cannot provide the humidity that it needs to pitcher or look healthy in my dorm room. During the summers it will occasionally develop awesome pitchers, but when the humidity drops the plant suffers. It is 18 inches from one leaf tip to the other, and currently has no pitchers and some of the leaves are starting to brown. Here's a few pictures I took a few summers ago after one of its pitchers opened up(about 4 inches long):
000_0110 by Hobbitfeetman, on Flickr
000_0112 by Hobbitfeetman, on Flickr

Here's what is looks like now, much bigger leaves, but no pitchers:
Pic-06252014-002 by Hobbitfeetman, on Flickr
Pic-06252014-001 by Hobbitfeetman, on Flickr

If anyone is interested in trading I'd be happy to give this guy a better home. I'm interested mostly in highland nepenthes, but lowlands could work too. PM me if interested.
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Hello Eric,

Full mailbox :) I'm interested in that rafflesiana. I can trade any of the following: spathulata, St. Hedwig, vietchii x maxima, Fancy Fish, N Regan (spathulata x vietchii), Chastity. If you don't like any of these I'll look around and see what else I've got, these are all roughly 6-9" diameter plants, not cuttings.
Highland neps, last I knew, still needed a degree of humidity, their hitch is lower nighttime temps.
Yeah, due to its size it can no longer fit into my tank, the others I have seem to do very well with the tank humidity levels.