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moving seedlings from terrarium to greenhouse

Hi All

I need some advice please -
I have some seedlings in a terrarium which id like to move into the greenhouse. what should I be considering or keeping in mind with the move?
They are growing in sealed bags so the humidity is very high - but I would keep them in the bags in the GH. im planning on putting them in a sheltered area where no direct sunlight will hit them.
The differences between the terrarium and GH are temperature and light, where the GH is cooler (both day and night) and has more light.
the seedlings vary in size between first true leaf and 3 or 4 new leaves.

Is this a bad idea? are there any considerations or differences in the environments that I have missed?
all are highland or intermediate hybrids and species and most of their parents are in the GH

I want to move them out because I have more seeds that need to go into the terrarium.

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What genera and species are we talking about here ? Regardless, they are going to have to be hardened off before changing environments so drastically on them. I personally don't like bagging seeds for germination for this very reason. I germinate the majority of my seeds out in the open or in covered seed trays which while keeping humidity up, also allows for some degree of ventilation.
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These are HL or intermediate Nepenthes hybrids

This is my first time bagging seeds - decided to try something new
How would you harden them off if not in bags?
Since the temps should be more favourable in the GH, I thought that hardening for Temp would not be needed? am I wrong in this?
And, I was planning on letting them settle in the sealed bags in the GH for a month or so and then gradually punch holes in the bags to slowly allow them to get used to GH humidity- this could span months if needed...

also, I regularly open the bags and flush new air after they germinate so as not to keep stale air around permanently
Hardening them off to lower humidity is the issue of most importance. As long as temps in the greenhouse are within the preferred range for the species, the temperatue change shouldn't really affect them too much. Keep in mind that even in the cooler greenhouse, if the plants are exposed to direct sunlight temps can sky rocket inside those bags. In the future, you may just want to germinate the seeds in the environment that they will eventually be living in.
The bags will stay out of sunlight - I will make sure of that. ive got a sheltered seedling area in the GH.

Ive tried germinating straight in the GH and it wasnt very good for me. I knew less back then though. i'll try again actually as I just harvested some good looking seeds.
No problem. Good luck with them !