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Marstons Dragon

My D. binata "Marstons Dragon" is finally starting to produce some adult leaves.
It is also sending up some flower stalks, but I believe this is not fertile, correct?
apparently it is self incompatible and incompatible with other plants in the D. binata group. Have suspected it is a triploid and thus having in incompatible chromosome number when crosses made with either of its parents....
but it is very easy to get flower stalk cuttings from
every single part of the plant can be chopped up to make more plants. When I had some small ones that got over grown in 3 inch pots I just unpotted washed off the media and chopped them up roots and all into 1.5-2 inch sections and placed onto wet LFS and few weeks later. too many plants to plant. works nicely for give aways.
Yes, I was thinking of chopping up the flower stalks and once they formed strikes to put them in a giveaway.
this tangled mess started off a few plants that I chopped up....

anyone wanna donate a leaf or two to a drosera master in training? :p these things look to cool not to grow in my tank!

the only plant i found available was 15 plus shipping :0o:

kula, how long did that dense clump take to form up? looks so nice!
chopped up the plants maybe a month and a half back....
  • #10
wow, thats a fast grower!
  • #11
also huge. i think i have a plant with leaves stretching a foot and a half. so plant has a diameter of about 3 feet....
  • #12
PM me, I have a D. Binata var Stag Horn which is very prolific. i have many many many flower spikes that are working on coming up but when I get a good result I can for sure send you some.
anyone wanna donate a leaf or two to a drosera master in training? :p these things look to cool not to grow in my tank!

the only plant i found available was 15 plus shipping :0o:
  • #13
this tangled mess started off a few plants that I chopped up....

Would this tangled mess be able to devour Aphids? I have a small infestation in my Anthurium and Pepper plants. I've never grown Sundews before, but I might just have to start growing them...
  • #14
Careful wiht aphids. While they can't go anywhere if you make sure they're stuck, aphids love the non-sticky parts on sundews.
  • #15
I cut up 4 or 5 flower stalks and put into incubation. When they have struck nicely I'll host a giveaway.
Hopefully by that time this heatwave will be over.
  • #16
These things seem to be thriving in this heat wave we are having. Most of my other outdoors plants are showing signs of stress, but the Dragons are looking better than ever.