So... I've gotten tired of my saltwater fish tank (which has been an anemone house for nearly a year now after the last fish died)
...So, I'm planing to change it into a CP terrarium that would look a bit like this:
[for those who don't really get my Paint drawing (and I don't blame you) the plants sit on a tray above water level, that is watered via a water pump submerged below it and the remnant cascades back to the reservoir]
Does it look functional? I thought also on the approach of no pots (just wet moss on the bottom) but I don't really like that idea... And making "stair levels" seems like a waste of time given that I won't increase pot space)
The tank has a capacity of 90 liters (about 20 gallons) but it's higher than it is wide (50 cm long/60 cm high/30 cm depth)
Should I try to find one with a different size?
I know I have to wash the very last scrap of salt that may be left and that I can't use any rock that is on the tank later for the terrarium...
...So, I'm planing to change it into a CP terrarium that would look a bit like this:
[for those who don't really get my Paint drawing (and I don't blame you) the plants sit on a tray above water level, that is watered via a water pump submerged below it and the remnant cascades back to the reservoir]
Does it look functional? I thought also on the approach of no pots (just wet moss on the bottom) but I don't really like that idea... And making "stair levels" seems like a waste of time given that I won't increase pot space)
The tank has a capacity of 90 liters (about 20 gallons) but it's higher than it is wide (50 cm long/60 cm high/30 cm depth)
Should I try to find one with a different size?
I know I have to wash the very last scrap of salt that may be left and that I can't use any rock that is on the tank later for the terrarium...