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Looking for utricularia!

Hi everyone! I’m new to this forum, stumbled across it while looking to see if anybody has utricularia seeds available! Terrestrial, aquatic, *epiphytic maybe*, don’t matter! If you could mail it out(In western Canada) and or possibly stuff a small cutting/prop in a test tube in an envelope? Would be greatly appreciated!!
:welcome: Welcome to Terra Forums, jamespmurdoch! Good luck with your search!
I'd imagine there are restrictions shipping plants into Canada, sorry I can't help. Good luck!
Last I checked, there were. Though that was long ago. Some in Canada I have heard are so close to the US border, they can cross and mail or pick up without trouble. Now I am not saying do this, of course but fyi. I think I sold some shotgun parts for my brother long ago to a fellow in Canada (wood only no actionable stuff) and he mentioned that. You would probably also need a friend or PO Box. Shipping across borders has gotten to the point where you probably will need a phyto cert even for seeds. By the way, very few utricularia seeds
will sprout for you, I would save my $$ and look for cuttings, locally if possible. But your call.
You do not need a phytosanitary permit to send seeds from the US into Canada at this time. You do need to declare them on customs forms, though. I am unsure about shipping plants. I'd be curious if someone has the bottom line on that.