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I am looking to acquire any campanulata hybrids I don't already have. I especially want non-complex hybrids, so campanulata x something or something x campanulata. But complex hybrid offers are welcome as long as the pitchers show campanulata influence.

I specifically would love to get my hands on:
N. boschiana x campanulata
N. bicalcarata x campanulata
N. campanulata x veitchii
N. campanulata x ventricosa Malesiana Tropicals Clone
N. "Caladium" maxima x campanulata
N. truncata x campanulata
and any other campanulata hybrids

I already have:
N. campanulata x robcantleyi King of Spades x2
N. "Menehune" ventricosa x campanulata
N. "Carmen" spathulata x campanulata
N. merrilliana x campanulata x2
N. lowii x campanulata
N. "thorelii" x campanulata probably N. kampotiana x campanulata

and on the way I've got
N. campanulata x maxima AW
N. campanulata BE
N. campanulata AW

I'm open to any offers. Thanks all!