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Leaf curling, normal?

This is a BE - 3946 platychila x robcantlyii

The leaves have curled and maybe seem less supple over the past month. It has been in this new setup for probably two months.

I also have a millipede in the enclosure.

I'm thinking the millipede might be eating the roots.

Does this plant look fine or problematic?16470166862793424757727293468973.jpg16470167285052750902912050753106.jpg
Looks like its under stress like its not getting enough light and or water to me. What is that u have it in? Under the long fiber spaghnum? And is it in a pot under that? And has it grown anything since you have gotten it?
I have had it over a year. At first in just sphagnum, but it wouldn't pitcher. I bought a terrarium kit and at first I took the sphagnum it was growing in plus the plant and just sat it on the medium that came with the terrarium. Now there is a drainage layer under all that consisting of landscape fabric above hydroton. When redoing the terrarium I saw no signs that the nep tried to grow from the sphagnum to the terrarium medium.

It definitely could be light, I just added the light about two weeks ago. Before it was just weak ambient light.
I think my main question was answered, "Does it look fine?" and the answer is no.

I added more food for the millipede and will report back if the plant improves.

A secondary question though would be if it is bad to have it growing in sphagnum that is sitting on generic terrarium medium? I may post that question to a new thread.
It's not ideal in my opinion. It's a lot harder to keep it at an appropriate moisture level. I would not expect the nep to root into the peat within 2 months. That's way too fast and I've noticed neps will avoid rooting at all into medium they find unsuitable. Adding on, that hybrid is not concerned about humidity at all. I've grown similar ones at 20% without issues. Growing it in its own pot with stronger light will be much easier to manage.
I would also say that when adding light u might wanna do it gradually, but also i would pot that plant up. And that plant should be quite spectacular when older as both parents have nice big peristomes and color!!
Will it pitcher at 20% humidity? I never found good info on temp and humidity this hybrid prefers.
It's not ideal in my opinion. It's a lot harder to keep it at an appropriate moisture level. I would not expect the nep to root into the peat within 2 months. That's way too fast and I've noticed neps will avoid rooting at all into medium they find unsuitable. Adding on, that hybrid is not concerned about humidity at all. I've grown similar ones at 20% without issues. Growing it in its own pot with stronger light will be much easier to manage.
Yes, there is no reason to believe that that particular hybrid won't be able to adjust to low humidity. Unless one or both of the parents is known to very demanding in its conditions just assume the hybrid is as or more easy to grow.