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What VFT grows to the largest size and which one has the largest traps?

If there is one that is big enough to eat the stray cat that is killing my Geckos...I want one. Just kidding guys.

This is just my personal guess, but I think the bart simpson clone grows to the largest in size, and the southwest giant and dingleys giant have the largest traps
Have you seen more than one picture of one trap of the "Bart Simpson" clone? I've seen one close up shot of a trap, and can't really make out how big the actual plant would be.
I'm not seeing anything....

I have seen a VFT that is supposed to have traps bigger than any out there. It was imature and its traps were bigger than the Giant sitting next to it.
Not showing. Does he actually have this plant or just a pic?
I have heard and heard and heard about bart simpson and never seen a thing to prove the rep. Not saying it's not true, just saying I hope we can get a pic up soon.

BTW, that page no longer exists... so a new link is needed.

(I had heard Bigmouth was the biggest btw, but I have never had or seen a giant clone, so take what I am typin here with a grain or five of salt.)
now I see why it is called bart simpson!
  • #10
Even if you saw a big mouth, unless it was pretty mature, you probably wouldn't even notice the size difference. Big Mouth or Red Purple whichever it's supposed to be,
, seems to be a VERY slow grower, from what i've heard, and from what i've seen so far.
  • #11
How big does the Bart Simpson get?!?!?! I saw that same pic yesterday... look at the traps of other VFTs that are around it!!! They're tiny compared to the Simpson!!!!!
  • #12
Look closely and you can see a couple super-tiny looking traps beside it. Look right under the end of the Simpson trap. It looks like a couple dead or reddish-looking traps. Look how small they are compared to the Simpson!!! I can't get over that!
  • #13
I see them now!!! but they look like seedling traps.
  • #14
All of them???
  • #15
Thanks very much guys. The Bart Simpson looks likes it is big enough to at least scare that cat...where do I get one?
  • #16
I think they are very rare and only in trade right now.
  • #17
No one that I know of has one.

Can anyone who really knows bugs tell me if this thing was eating fire ants?

All of the other traps around it in that picture are by far immature next to this one. If you look to the back and to the left of the small ones, it looks almost like a more mature flytrap. Also, someone on the cpuk forum had suggested that it looked like a bug had eaten part of it. The outside of the trap does exhibit what appears to be scarring, almost like something bit into it.

Ok, bug people, what do you think?
  • #18
This varient, which I prefer to call Pinking Shear (because it won't get me sued) is real, but not big.  Actaully, they are probubly smaller because of the misformed truncated mouths.  Their leaves are thicker then normal though.

Edit: Red Purples/big mouths have shorter petiols but not proticularly larger mouths then everage. The Southwest giant is the reverse with really big petiols. Because most giant-types are not really defined, you can't really say which is the biggest.
  • #19
No offense but you can't make any claims to size of traps, leaf/petiole form, color, without growing any of these plants for years personally or talking directly with someone that has. Studying pictures on the internet doesn't cut it. CULTURE plays such a huge role in how large a VFT will grow as well as the color and form of the leaves. It wouldn't surprise me to see a very healthy normal VFT with larger traps and leaves than a mediocre grown 'big trap' variety. You have no idea how old these plants are or even size from a single picture. You have no idea the climate and care given to the plants. Also don't forget that leaf form changes throughout the year. A single picture is what the plant looked like on that particular day. What about the other 364 days out of the year? How do you know when the picture was taken? Was it taken during the Spring before Summer leaves were produced? Maybe it was taken in the Fall??? Without growing them for multiple years and gaining this knowledge first hand all your making is guesses and presumptions which benefits noone.
  • #20
Excellent point, Tony. Only by growing these plants side-by-side under a variety of conditions and time of year, and by a variety of growers, can comparisons be correctly made.