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Tropical Fish Enthusiast
5 weeks ago, on a warm day, just before the 'Snowpocolypse', ladybugs were out and about. So I collected as many as I could, and littered them in my terrarium and grow rack. Surprisingly, many of them fled those environs, and went elsewhere in the house. Today, however, I found one on the grow rack, alive and well:

They are predators. Ladybugs will only stay around if there is plenty to feed on.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, they have a source of food! BTW, neither Neem nor Isopropyl Alcohol are the worlds greatest chamicals for my goal.
Ladybugs you say? I feel like this would be a great time to share my silly ladybug videos. This past year I had a ton of ladybug larva roaming around my plants, and a few of them stuck themselves to Sarracenia flowers to change into their final form. They are some of the most beautiful insects when they emerge from their larval form with the glistening orange shells.





One more ladybug that was not as lucky as the previous one…

as usual, great videos from basedriter, thanks!
Cool thread, I love ladybugs.

I haven't seen ladybugs in or around my house in ages. Then the other day there was a magazine in our house with an article on ladybugs in it. Right when we opened to the big two-page intro to the article, an actual ladybug lands on the page. Really strange, the sucker must have been just hiding out for so long in our house!
as usual, great videos from basedriter, thanks!

Thanks Mr. Awesome, not much going on while the plants are dormant. Looking forward to the spring, especially with all the new additions.