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Humidity Problems


Happy hour..
As some of you may know, I recently built a grow shelf. Here's a pic to give you an idea:<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/92966415@N07/8452695448/" title="Closed by Mr.FluffyKinz, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8245/8452695448_7608662ae3.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Closed"></a>
So the problem I'm having is keeping the humidity up. The highest it's been to is 50%, and usually it's at 45%. I have a humidifier on 24/7, and a reservoir, A.K.A. a bowl full of water. My only plant has a baggy over it so it should be okay. Anything I can do? Do I need a better humidifier?
moar humidifiers, also seal the growchamber better.
Believe me, it's sealed better.
Would need to see the inside and humidifer to make an accurate assessment. Lights on the inside burn up a lot of the moisture.
Will this work?
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/92966415@N07/8451587483/" title="Growshelf by Mr.FluffyKinz, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8512/8451587483_df574a4bf4.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Growshelf"></a>
this is what im doing... tape each layers with bubble wrap or something.... it will increse huminity and also increase temperature... becareful because i killed few butterworts... sun burned
If I were you I would install a small window using acrylic paneling or clear plastic so you can look inside without having to worry about letting out the humidity from opening it. As for raising humidity try putting a large tray of water under or on the bottom rack with a couple air stones to keep it circulating. That can help lower algae growth, raise the humidity, and be used as the tray to keep your plants in, all in one setup. Heli uses an airstone and water tray setup if memory serves.
What do you mean? I'm already using double mylar layered bubble wrap.

@Mcnair: I already have a large tray of water, hence the "reservoir." Airstones you say? I'll look into that.
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IM guessing you have an evaporative humidifier, in which case the higher the humidity the less effective they become.... trash it and get ultrasonic, prob solved :)
  • #10
Oh.... I found it in my closet, so most likely. Thanks butch
  • #11
and keep it out of the grow chamber less you want "le funk" to grow in it....

  • #12
More plants helps too! :)
  • #13
Lol already working on that.
  • #14
I raise the humidity and keep the temperatures bearable with an ultrasonic humidifier, blown in via plastic "hot tub" tubing and two pc fans. Seems to work.

Grow Rack
  • #15
This morning I went to check it and the temp was: 58 and humidity:65% I'll update this in the afternoon so I can get an idea of what my conditions are like. I'll probably get my madagascariensis for shipping unless you say other wise, I think the temps are too cool.

EDIT: I'm for sure getting this thing, been recommended by 2 growers here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sunpentown-...897?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec06b9a21
  • #16
:drool: that shelf is amazing mato! I have water in the bottom and have the neps up on overturned terracotta pots. The pots wick up moisture and increase the humidity. Its at a constant 91%
  • #17
api u can find that same humidifier at other places for $30 instead of 50 there