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Here is the latest travel log from Jim Miller from this mornings trip (9/21) God, I wish I had been there to see this! I can only imagine except I already placed my order for the video so at least I will see it.

For all your arm chair cper jim writes;
Hi guys!

First off, the site on Highway **** in Hosford that has the flytraps is
NOT for sale, and there is no indication it ever was or will be.
There are literally thousands of flytraps there, and I'm sure seed
spread this year by heavy rains in the Spring and Summer will help
establish colonies across a wider area. I shot at least 15 minutes of
video there. A fantastic site. It also has a lot more leucos there.
In 1994, there were maybe 4 or 5, but I saw dozens!!

In the Forest, I found an area that I have long known about, but the
Pinguicula ionantha and plantifolia are giants!! I found some plants
that were easily 6-7 inches across and there were colonies
everywhere, including lots of aquatics. Ionantha rules at this spot,
though planifolia rubs elbows with it and I got about 40 minutes of
video in that spot alone. Also there is a big flava x purp clone that
has been there since the 1970s and it's doing well. No evidence at
all of anyone taking plants. I did see a few places in the flytrap
spot that were dug up, but that could also be raccoons or armadillos.

There were very few red tube - green lid flavas with good pitchers.
This is typical in late summer. This particular plant usually stops
producing pitchers in late July and we have also had some bone dry
weather the last two weeks. I did find a few, plus one great
heavy-veined. No seed, and actually I saw very few scapes. This has
been a good pitcher year, so next year will be a good one for seed.
I did get great shots of a particularly dense stand of flava, plus (I
think) some good capillaris "long leaf" in that spot. There were also
some giant planifolias there, easily 7 inches.

My problem now is I almost have enough video for two discs. Gonna
have to chop it up!!
I am beat. I didn't get to sleep at all last night. I worked until
after 4 AM, and at that point, it didn't make sense to try for 2 1/2
hours. Wait until you see these pings!! Even I was totally blown away,
and I thought I'd seen it all. Can't wait until spring to get back
out and get the fresh pitchers.

I'll have to post this on CP Digest. Gotta grab some sleep!


(posted by spectabilis73): I edited it to take off the hiway number, you never know if there are wild collectors veiwing this web page...