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hi from France !!

hello everybody :)

I'm Stéphane, 36 years old, and come from France, just near the border with Luxemburg and Germany.
I'm maried and have a 8 years old daughter.
I'm cultivating CP's for many years, but recently (2 years ago) i decided to concentrate myself on the butterworth culture. (95 % of my collection now)
I do my best for correctly speak with not too much faults, but I'm french, so i hope you'll be patient with me :hail:
I'm very happy to be accepted in your community and thank you all.

so, see you on forum.

Stéph.. ( ignis on forum)
Hello, and welcome! This is a great community, I'm sure you will love it here.
Welcome to TF! With the sounds of your collection, perhaps our Pinguicula forum will be getting some more action!

Bonjour Stéphane! Bienvenue sur le forum!
Thanks to all for your welcome.
I'm sure this is a great community, and I'm on the right place.
I'm always read a lot of different post, before to decided if i ask an account or not, when i find a CP forum. This forum and members looks nice and interesting.
Well, xvart , be sure that i try to share maximum of experience's results and pictures etc about Pings, to make some more action ;)
Thanks anramitaco for this welcome in french words, I appreciate this friendly kind of thing.
I hope we can share a lot of things through differents post on the forum.. and dont hesitate to asking me what I mean, if you dont understanding me, cause perhaps i'm not always using the good word.
Be sure that i do my best.

Friendly, Steph.
Welcome to TF! Bon soir! LOL! I took French as a 'foreign language', from 7th-10th grade. I've forgotten a lot of it. Funny thing is, back in 7th grade, there was a girl in our class whose family moved from France to America. Her name was Sylvie DeFosse.
bonsoir jimscott et merci pour l'acceuil..

I see you have forgotten a lot of french words, but haven't forgott the dear Sylvie . :p
I can imagine she's more intersting for you than to learn french ;)
I always thought it was strange that Sylvie was in our class, taking French, when it was her primary language.

We used to have these tapes that had French conversational phrases:

"Dis donc. Ou est la bibliotheque?"
"Je m'appelle Paul. Je voudrai tu presenter Marie Leblanc."

Those I never forgot!

Something I never understood is that in English, if we are expressing hunger or thirst, we say, "I am hungry." "I am thirsty." In French, it's I have hunger and I have thirst (J'ai faim and J'ai soif). The etre and the avoir are reversed.
  • #10
i got new plants :p
  • #11
Un cadeau? Or is that gateaux?
  • #12
Welcome to the forums friend! I took French in 7th grade, but I'm not going to embarass myself trying to remember any of it, so a firm handshake and "hello!" will have to do for me :)
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