Ive had a h. pulchella now for about 2 months and its been doing great up until a couple days ago.. Im keeping it in my hl chamber with my 2 other helis. a minor and a teite. those are growing fine but the pulchella seems to be taking a turn for the worse... i currently have it in a plastic bag to hope and revive whatever might be there. I have it potted in a nep mix of perlite, lfs, pumic/lava rock and cypress bark. i was watering it with the tray method but have since taken it out of the tray since i will be uping my watering scheduals for the hl chamber. my day temp are 80 - 82 and nights drop from 58-60. the humidity lingers around 70 during the day with a slight increase of 72 - 75 at night. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. since this was my first heli and after bringing it back from death once from it being shipped here I was proud of myself.. Trying not to kill my pride and my h.pulchella.