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Hello from Brooklyn, NY!

Hello everyone!

I'm a CP fan/grower who lives in Brooklyn, NY, and I was wondering if there were any other enthusiasts living in Brooklyn or Metropolitan New York who would like to meet up at some point and perhaps start a small meeting group. We could share plants, or organize trips, and discuss growing techniques.

Let me know if there's any interest! Also, I'm just getting into growing epiphytic Utricularia, and would love to begin growing Byblis and Genlisea, so if anybody has any tips on these, please let me know.


I kinda live in Brooklyn but im going to college in Syracuse right now.
Would you be interested in a Brooklyn-based group? Trying to gauge interest.
Yeah I have wanted that for a while but there are very few growers in NYC.
Why don't you send me a PM the next time you're home from school on break? Maybe we get something together.
Also, I'm just getting into growing epiphytic Utricularia, and would love to begin growing Byblis and Genlisea, so if anybody has any tips on these, please let me know.
Hi Joe,
Welcome to TF! Feel free to join the epiphytic utric crazies in the sticky in the Utric forum - lots of good info in there.

Yeah I have wanted that for a while but there are very few growers in NYC.
Hey Luca, actually I think that is less true than you believe. I suspect we have more CP folks in the NYC region than the PNW group that meets each month. Some are infrequent posters on TF, some frequent other forums & then there are the others who just hide in the background (but might come out given good reasons). There was an attempt at an organizational meeting in the NY Botanical Garden a few years ago. Although it was a small group, several of the people had never even posted on a forum but were interested in CPs. I suspect that there are many like that if a group ever started to meet regularly. Many orchid people would easily become interested in CPs, given the chance (imho).
Ah interesting, it would be cool to try to revamp some type of meet up.
Hello Ron & Luca,

I'm up at NYBG, and there are others there who may be interested in joining a carnivorous plant group. Keep me posted on your return, Luca, and we can get something together. Let me know if you'd like to join, Ron.


Welcome to TF! I was born in the Bronx and raised on the Island. I live near Buffalo, now. I sure do miss REAL pizza!