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Heli grab bag ??? NASC 2013 auction

Heliamphora Tatei

Heliamphora x [heterodoxa x minor]

Heliamphora "Tequila"

Thanks Butch
Interesting. They have much smaller roots than I thought they would have.
Interesting. They have much smaller roots than I thought they would have.
You never know how many roots will be on a division with Heli's. All of those plants should be easily established as long as Afrodisa follows Butch's guidelines. Even without roots, most Heli's easily establish themselves & quickly grow like weeds (with a few picky exceptions).
...Even without roots, most Heli's easily establish themselves & quickly grow like weeds (with a few picky exceptions).

Must buy Heliamphora...Must buy Heliamphora...But they're too expensive. Emphasis on too expensive.
Seriously, I never knew that some carnivorous plants grow that fast. Do they really? And I've got a terrarium for my <3Nepenthes fusca<3 that I could stick them in.
Nice looking plants, afrodisa!
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You're welcome afrodisa, enjoy my friend.... they should do real well for ya.
Please keep up posted as to your progress and just holler if you have any questions.

Heather, in the heli world.... these would be considered very nice indeed.

You never know how many roots will be on a division with Heli's. All of those plants should be easily established as long as Afrodisa follows Butch's guidelines. Even without roots, most Heli's easily establish themselves & quickly grow like weeds (with a few picky exceptions).


Very nice indeed. Butch is so awesome!
He's made me fall in live with heli. Although I'm still Twitterpaited with my neps. I enjoy my heli too.