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growing d. binata outside

I have acquired some d. binata, binata marstons dragon, and in the process of getting some binata extrema. I have the first two growing outside and plan to do the same with the third type. I grow them in full sun, and the first two are doing awesome. My question is does anyone have any experience growing each of the three outside year around. I have temps that range from teens (sparatic single digit) and temps to 100+ i was wondering if anyone grew in similar conditions. I know there are a few FL and CA people grow them year around, but i think my temp range is a little more varible. I sure would appreciate some feed back for each of the threee cultivars. thanks in advance.

I grow D binata Marston Dragon and dichotoma giant form year round in full sun near Portland, Oregon. They die back completely to the soil level in winter and sprout again in spring from the roots (don't give up on them just because they disappear over winter!). Our winter temps can get down into the teens at times, but not very often. We do get nighttime temps in the high 20s to low 30s more often, but it usually warms to above freezing during the day. Mine have experienced and survived being frozen for several days in a row. We can experience summer temps of 100, but not very many days. Summer temps average in the 80s.

The Marston Dragon grows in a 1-gallon nursery pot and the dichotoma giant grow in my large bog, both receive 8-10 hours of full sun. A large pot and the mass of the bog may help mine survive freezing winter temps. I have not grown any in smaller pots so don't know how they would do that way. I don't have any experience growing binata extrema.

Hope this helps :-D

Recent pics of the Marston Dragon in a pot and dichotoma giant (Giant Staghorn) in the bog, both grown outside year-round
Thanks for the great info guys, I really like website whimgrinder
Our temps are similar MC and I grow binata outside year round in a bog garden and pots.
I have a large pot of them that come back every year. They have completely taken over the whole thing within 3 years from just a few root cuttings. Recent pic:
Very cool thanks for posting millipede