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Give Away Green Dragon Arum giveaway or for trade two up for grabs

  • Thread starter pearldiver
  • Start date
Some time ago I got this and it has made many babies through the years. It looks a lot like thishttps://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/arisaema-dracontium/ I have two to pass on should anyone be interested. Postage on you. Most descriptions of this show red seeds, though this one has white ones, and tends to spread at will. Of course you could cut the stalks before they drop the seeds. Of course if you suggest a trade that works then you get yours and I'll get mine. I do like swampy things so if you have anything like that let me know.


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If it's really free-spreading and has green-white seeds when they fall off, I might check it against Pinellia pedatisecta. Is there a flower photo?
Somewhere there should be pics of it blooming, I have to look. I do believe you are correct. I recall reading about the two, but don't remember one being native and the other not. The article said one was less well behaved. I have noticed over the years its tendency to spread seems to slow down, perhaps something it needs in the soil gets in short supply with time. One issue is if you have it near other potted plants it will drop seeds and overtake what is there or at least become a nuisance. It does look pretty cool, though.
Here is one in flower.


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A different Arum in my front yard. this one has red seed coats.


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