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Dogs and CPs do NOT Mix

So I've had this purple pitcher plant for 3 years now and I'm convinced shes going to flower this year. A few days ago I re-potted her and I must say I did an excellent job, cleaned out her water dish and gave her fresh distilled water. I honestly felt proud. I got home from work today, went to check on my plants and I found my pot upside down with soil everywhere. Frantically I dug through the soil to see how bad the damage was and my plant was not there! I turned around and saw something no man should ever have to see. My pitcher plant was on my couch, 20 feet away from the pot. Her naked, delicate roots exposed, just hanging out in the open. I re-potted my plant, I hope it survives this attack.
It should survive. Just TLC should work
The dog, however, might not make it...
Omg, this is always one of my biggest fears living out in the country! Animal attack! Luckily, the animals thus far have only attacked non-carnivores, but I know for a fact that my neighbors dogs drink from the water trays, lol. They came over to visit last week and I saw one of the dogs do it. But its a good dog, she doesn't intentional hurt any of my plants. Her big tail just whacks stuff as she whips around. Which isnt so good for her since most of my tail-height plants have thorns and spines.

Hope your sarr recovers. Keep us posted.
Sure it didn't just crawl out of it's pot and onto the couch to watch TV? ;)
Sure it didn't just crawl out of it's pot and onto the couch to watch TV? ;)

That could be a possibility!

Ohio I'm sorry you had to see your baby defiled in such a way. My plants and I are sending positive thoughts your way. :hug:
I keep a fence around my Sarracenia pool to keep the dogs out of it, as this has happened to me on numerous occasions.
"Dogs and CPs do NOT Mix"

I don't know, sounds like the dog "mixed" the cp pretty well. :p Plants are often amazingly resilient. Hopefully yours will quickly recover.

Sure it didn't just crawl out of it's pot and onto the couch to watch TV? ;)

I was expecting to see a CP munching on a dog.
  • #11
My pup would be so fired.
  • #12
LOL! Birds, squirrels, and cats don't mix with CP's, either. All have gotten into my plants!