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Does your soil smell like FART?

Well I finally got to repotting, eh it's a lot of work.

This is my first time repotting and man do some of the soil smell like nasty fart.

Is it because of the gas build up?

Is this any indication of anything I'm doing wrong? Or is this normal?

I assume you mean a hydrogen sulfide smell which folks describe as "farts", "rotten eggs", "sewer smell" "swamp stink", etc. I only get this in dense peat based and all peat mixtures which stay wet and hot and don't get adequate pot flushes.

More drainage material and regular flushing to aerate the pots is likely what's needed to keep your new pots from getting stinky. When you get that smell the soil has built up low oxygen pockets and is allowing anaerobic bacteria to proliferate.
well.... the funny thing is all the smelly ones are potted plants I bought from vendor that didn't get repotted upon arrival.

Thanks for the explanation and suggestion. :)
Yeah, I always repot new stuff cos whatever mix the previous grower / vendor uses is probably not gonna be the same as what I use. I've even lost plants that got left potted in whatever it was the first guy had em in. The same soil mix doesn't always work for everyone's climate or growing area.