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Yes, it looks like a basal, but shouldn't have any long term effects on the plant, although it may slow the plant down until the basal develops roots of its own.
Yes, it looks like a basal, but shouldn't have any long term effects on the plant, although it may slow the plant down until the basal develops roots of its own.
I imagine the repotting will probably contribute some to that as well, root disturbance and whatnot. I imagine that those don't form/are the first to die if root health is compromised, yes? (Asking if basals = root health good early on)
You would be better off examining the roots directly than trying to dry a parallel between the formation of a basal and root health. Basals simply form due to hormone shifts, sometimes due to the reduction of auxins produced in the shoot apical meristem. We use the term apical dominance to loosely describe the process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apical_dominance
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