Whatever you call it, I have a bunch, in different places. A friend gave me a big batch when she was letting a flowerbed revert to turf. This afternoon, I was planting a ginger plant in front of my place, and dug up three of these, and want to pass them along. I have included some of this in giveaways/trades usually as cuttings, this time rooted pieces with tubers or storage organs or whatever they are... Most salvias have fiberous roots without the tubers. The flowers are pretty cool, and very attractive to hummers.
If you want one of em' it will come to you in a small Priority box. Or if you don't want to pony up that, I can try another packing method, I am just currently out of other bags/boxes/bubble wrap envelopes. Post here and email me if interested. gnixon@satx.rr.com. If more than three replies, pick a number between 1 and 15.
If you want one of em' it will come to you in a small Priority box. Or if you don't want to pony up that, I can try another packing method, I am just currently out of other bags/boxes/bubble wrap envelopes. Post here and email me if interested. gnixon@satx.rr.com. If more than three replies, pick a number between 1 and 15.