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Awakening Pinguicula?

I have several varieties of pings that now resemble mutant brussels sprouts. Do any of you have suggestions for awakening them? Would longer photoperiods, increased temperatures, or slightly more water help? I know they are more susceptible to root rot when they are dormant, so I am hesitant to try the increased water. Right now they get water every week like all of the other plants, the only difference is that my dormant pings receive a smaller amount of water each week than the "awake" ones do.

Any suggestions or experience stories will be appreciated!
With Pinguicula it is usually best to let the plants tell you when to increase or decrease watering. It is also usually best to let the plants in general tell you when it is time to go dormant or break dormancy. Forcing plants in and out of dormancy should not be necessary unless the plants are out of sync with the seasons (relocation by hemisphere) or isolated from the environmental cues need for dormancy. For example temperate plants grown near the equator or plants grown completely in a controlled environment (artificial light and constant temperatures only).

Are they temperate or Mexican Pinguicula?
They are Mexican Pinguicula. One of my adult Laueana plants I obtained from a private grower has been dormant for over two years (as far as I was told). It was included free with some other plants since its previous owner was tired of its behavior.

The other plants are Moranensis varieties.
Take leaf pullings and see if the offspring behave in the same manner. Chuck out the ones that do.

At the latitudes Mexican Pinguicula are mostly found the photoperiod doesn't vary much between winter and summer maybe 2-3 hours at the most. Around latitude 21-22° the winter days go from about 11 hours to 13.5 in summer. You can try lengthening the photoperiod and upping the temperatures, but you'd have to know what parameters they've been growing at for the past 2 years.