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Aquatic Carnivores Giveaway!


A leuco by any other name would still be as glutto
'Tis time to pay forward Paul's awesome giveaway from last week. To continue the generosity I am offering a starter "kit" of aquatic carnivores. I will include two or three strands of winter-hardy Aldrovanda, a sprig of Ultricularia inflata, and associated water plants to help level out the water chemistry (Typha for sure, some pennywort, and anything else that looks good for the donation come time of shipping). These plants, grown in a five-gallon bucket of peat substrate and clean water, have proven to be quite successful for me in the cultivation of the waterwheel plant. This setup has even over wintered the above plants in zone 6b. Be warned, though, some duckweed and green algae will probably be unavoidable.

The nature of this giveaway makes it targeted toward first time aquatic plant growers, so that will factor into my decision regarding who receives the prize.

Other stipulations include:

-Shipping is on me
-The winner must offer forth a suitable giveaway within the next month; your offering is to be listed in your response below for consideration
-Offerings can be of any nature
-I will include as much insight and instruction as the winner wants or needs

To entice you, enjoy pictures of my various setups. Good luck!

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Very nice giveaway.
I recently acquired a nice 45 gallon tank and plan on setting up a planted tank. I have a 5 gallon planted tank now but have never had aquatic carnivores, I always felt I never had the proper setup but now I do 😄. I currently have a nice accidental cutting of a miniature maxima. I had ordered from flytraps and the growth point snapped in transit so I stuck it Into some sphagnum and is now 6-7 inches tall and vining. Very easy beginners nep.
I have a few good sized seedlings of this 

that might go along well depending upon your setup. It seems to be ok as a marginal with or without roots and base underwater or out of water so long as it is kept moist. I have seen it or similar plants in relatively dry areas where it seemed happy as well.
Uncle. I was trying to put up a picture of Cyperus Umbrella plant, Cyperus alternifolius, I believe.
I'm interested! Currently, I have a U. gibba and one Aldrovanda plant in a 10 gallon tank:

I am interested. I can giveaway some sundew seeds, or live sundews, or bladder worts. I have attempted aquatics before, but I haven't been successful with them (other than gibba). I have a spare bucket and peat. I would love to enter your giveaway

Hold up, I was talking about some marginals that someone here might want in addition to the giveaway, and that would probably help in the Aldrovanda scheme of things. I am not entering, but thanks!
  • #10
To help clarify: this isn't so much of a "I was there first" give away as it is a "What does Corey (OP) find most interesting" giveaway. I am following Paul's (Whimgrinder's) giveaway from last week that I am receiving.

To speak further, Paul (pearldiver) is offering some additional giveaways to go along with my offer... sweetening the pot, so to speak.

This would be a good time to give my kudos to Mr. pearldiver. He got me started with aquatic carnivores and has given me invaluable assistance in their culture. My setup is basically an emulation of his and the reason I have been sucessful. Thanks, man!

All of that said, some good stuff has been offered so far, but I would like to keep this open for a while so everyone could get in on it and to perhaps diversify the offerings.

@jimscott: can you clarify your post/offer?
  • #11
I would strongly suggest, before sending any of the aquatic associate plants (not the carnivores) that you check state and federal noxious weed lists before making your shipments.

Many water plants are illegal to send through the mail. I believe Parrot's Feather is one included on many.


That said, you have a nice idea that I'm sure will be appreciated by whomever wins!
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  • #12
Good point. . That is part of the reason I said I would verify what is being sent later once the give away is decided.

This is a good time to tell everyone that it is each person's responsibility to check for restrictions before offering. I think the inflata might be disallowed in Washington state for instance. I will double check before shipping.
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  • #13
To help clarify: this isn't so much of a "I was there first" give away as it is a "What does Corey (OP) find most interesting" giveaway. I am following Paul's (Whimgrinder's) giveaway from last week that I am receiving.

To speak further, Paul (pearldiver) is offering some additional giveaways to go along with my offer... sweetening the pot, so to speak.

This would be a good time to give my kudos to Mr. pearldiver. He got me started with aquatic carnivores and has given me invaluable assistance in their culture. My setup is basically an emulation of his and the reason I have been sucessful. Thanks, man!

All of that said, some good stuff has been offered so far, but I would like to keep this open for a while so everyone could get in on it and to perhaps diversify the offerings.

@jimscott: can you clarify your post/offer?


D. binata plants
D. binata leaf cuttings in centrifuge tubes
D. capensis seeds
D. capensis 'Broad Leaf' plants
S. 'Daina's Delight' plants
B. liniflora seeds
D.indica seeds
  • #14
You have a nice setup Corey. I'm glad the plants are doing good for you. Quick question or two, do you think the winter hardy aldrovanda would do well in a tropical fish tank setup? The temps wouldn't be higher than 75 and would probably hover around low 70s. And also, what kind of water chemistry do you have? Acidic? low nutrients?
  • #15
Thanks for the questions. I generally use distilled or rainwater in a five-gallon bucket. The media is a combo of peat, sand, and clay (cheap kitty litter) depending on what I have around. The peat is always the main component; the sand mostly holds the peat down and helps keep the rooted plants stationary. Because of the peat the water is greatly acidic. In general it is mostly nutrient free.

Upon setting up a new bucket I introduce a cup or two of pond water from the body down the street. This introduces microfauna for the Aldro. I also plant the cattails or whatever else I have around (parrot's feather, water lettuce, pennywort, etc.) at this time to help balance the system. After a bit of time (ideally a month if I am patient) the setup is ready for the Aldro and utrics. I like to keep a few buckets going incase algae over-powers a bucket or something.

I protect them from freezing solid in the winter, though the top several inches may freeze. The fall weather pushes the Aldro to make turions. Some of the tender associate plants need to be removed prior to freezing.

As far as a fish tank is concerned: I imagine the nutrient level would be too high, but I have never raised fish... so I am talking out of my hat. The temps would probably be fine, but I don't know how long the Aldro will grow without dormancy. I think it would be fine, though.
  • #16
As far as a fish tank is concerned: I imagine the nutrient level would be too high, but I have never raised fish... so I am talking out of my hat. The temps would probably be fine, but I don't know how long the Aldro will grow without dormancy. I think it would be fine, though.

I have aldro growing in a high light, pressurized co2 injected fish tank with a decent amount of stock and other plants. It's growing well. My only concern is what to do come winter as far as dormancy. But until the winter it should grow quite well.
  • #17
I just took the contents of the fishtank - the Aldrovanda, the U. gibba, etc... and put in the 80 qt. cooler. The cooler isn't going to collect or be the repository of enough rain water to say so. It'll come in handy when the snow flies and then melts.

  • #18
Jim wins, gang! Thanks for your offers. PM sent.
  • #19
To make it official... thanks, Corey! Which one of the Pauls is Paul Nixon? I'm cornfused.
  • #20
pearldiver is who you seek, dear Jim. He is Paul Nixon. Congrats on the successful giveaway by the way!