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Anyone going through Final Examinations?

Final exams are here and I have less time to spend with my plants and browse on this forum.

Anybody else also going through finals?

Good luck to us all ^_^

Any other business majors here?
Need to give one tonight and grade......
My sister is. Man how I miss college!
Finals ended last week. Thank God too, I know the importance of college (or at least the importance everyone pegs it with), but still not a school person, and I'm sure like all of us I'd much rather spend time with my horticultural side....
Not taking any, no, but along with kulamauiman, I'll be grading... all next week!
Just took exam 4/4 earlier today. Yay! Now my brain feels weird. :confused:
Using TF as my breaks between studying haha. Have a pretty intense wine appreciation final tonight that I've been studying for
Using TF as my breaks between studying haha. Have a pretty intense wine appreciation final tonight that I've been studying for

Yes. That sounds intense.

Personally, I would rather take quantum physics than wine appreciation.

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Just say this wine tastes like a breast at sunrise.
  • #10
I am 1/4. Will be 3/4 tomorrow.

My brain deserves a huge break after I read work from all this people just for one class. My final is weave them all together with 10 quotes from this authors.

Michel Foucualt
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  • #11
finished my grades today, woohoo....

final meeting for the year as well, errr I think
  • #12
Just finished my last one today! :)
  • #13
Now need to grade exams and insect collections.
  • #14
Wow! How are you guys done grading already?! I don't even get my grad students' papers until the 21st. :cry:
  • #15
I just finished my first exam of the day, I still have to take two more today before I'm done for the semester. Calculus will be the death of me :-(
  • #16
I am so glad I have 3 more years until college. I am taking my High school term finals, but they are probably nothing compared to college. I have
English 9H parts 1-2
Algebra 2

Good luck every one :)
  • #17
1 down, three to go! Got my second one in half an hour (so I probably should get off TF :D ). I'll be done by the end of the week. Good luck all you guys!
  • #18
Grading looms darkly for me as well. My students are completing a term paper final: no test. Lucky them; woe is me.

Test grading > Paper grading

Congrats to all those who are done!
  • #19
sounds like we got several teachers and professors, that's super cool. what do you guys teach?

I have a 140 question exam in 110 minutes. I think this is pretty dirty