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Anybody have Genlisea plants?

Just wondering if anyone out there has any Genlisea, my Genlisea hispidula was growing in harmony (I thought) with carpet moss. And now appears to be almost dead-ula. It may come back now that I cleared the moss out, thought a smaller one in a different pot appears to have shrunk to almost nothing. And the larger one looks pretty peaked. Wondering about replacing it with something else if possible G. violacea or the same or...? A trade perhaps?

Mine is in the same boat, covered with moss....but it still sends up flower stalks regularly. I can see a leaf or two among the moss though.
I lost my margaretea that way. I propagate periodically now in the event the moss reappears. I may have a small piece of something available. I'll look today and get back to you.

Mine just split growth points.

I could send you one if I learn how to cut it.