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any south africans?

Is anyone from south africa on this forum?
awwww Kev, I'll go move up there! hehehe :)
There are quite a few of us down here but occasionally some just get onto a forum and stay there without knowing how many of us there are. You should see my friend pierre's gh it puts us all to shame!
There are quite a few of us down here but occasionally some just get onto a forum and stay there without knowing how many of us there are. You should see my friend pierre's gh it puts us all to shame!
Show me!!
PS: let me know if you want me to post pics of your plants :)
You could pm me some pics please. Sure! Ill try to go to his place sunday since im leaving for a few days. He has a rooted cutting of a plant labelled as 'diatas' that is said to be originally for borneo exotics the guys that gave me the cutting said rob confirmed its diatas but trus me there can be no mistake that what i got as diatas was...... And awesome form of ventricosa x trusmadiensis! Now that begs the question if it really came from be what else does rob have?

By the way we want to buy more eymae hybrids, could i forward them to you?
Hi Kevnep,
I have just recently joined. I stay in Benoni, Gauteng, and grow Pinguicula (for around5/6 years already)
What genera do you grow, and what suppliers do you use ??
(jaco.truter@fenner.com )