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  1. N

    U. Radiata

    I'm looking for one! Any one know where I can get one?
  2. M

    Depth of aquatic bladerworts

    Just wondering if anyone knows at what level do the various aquatic bladerworts and Aldrovanda float at? I have a small pond in my greenhouse that I used to overwinter some U. gibba and U. purpurea. The U. gibba has grown and floats on the top of the water. I thought the U. purpurea did not...
  3. H

    Algae, algae, everywhere!!!

    The algae problem in my aquatics tank, housing Utricularia radiata and Australian Aldrovanda vesiculosa, has escalated to terribly frustrating proportions. The plants are still growing, but I fear that the algae may kill them in the future. I introduced a snail earlier this week in an attempt to...
  4. H

    OH NO!!!!!!!!!!

    My yeast/sugar/water CO2 reactor overflowed into my aquarium with my aquatic CPs (Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia radiata). I was in the shower when it happened, so I wasn't able to stop it. The water is now cloudy and there is a yeasty cloud at the bottom of my aquarium. :/ Will this...
  5. G

    Experienced CPer new to Utrics

    I've never been much into these things, probably because I had nowhere to keep the aquatic varieties (and the terrestrials weren't really available when I was a kid). I just got some Utriculata radiata and inflata and was wondering if I can keep these in a manmade water pond out in the yard? The...