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  1. E

    My own little shop of horrors

    After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble. Darlingtonia - D. californica Dionaea - D. muscipula typical form Seeds - D. muscipula (sprouted)...
  2. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  3. pretty

    Pretty's Growlist

    Drosera D. brevifolia D. synderi D. burmannii D. burmannii red D. capensis alba D. affinis D. collinsiae D. lantau island Hopefuls (unid'd mystery seedlings) I have over 75 seedlings on the verge of positive id's. These are the few I am more then 50% sure I have -Likley D. capensis red D...
  4. pretty

    Pretty's Growlist

    Drosera D. brevifolia D. synderi D. burmannii D. burmannii red D. capensis alba D. affinis D. collinsiae D. lantau island Hopefuls (unid'd mystery seedlings) I have over 75 seedlings on the verge of positive id's. These are the few I am more then 50% sure I have -Likley D. capensis red D...
  5. C

    picture book about South Africa

    Hi, as some of you may have noticed, i have done a CP-Tour, together with three german cper, through the western cape of South Africa last year. We have put together a picture book from this trip. The book is a hardcover in the Format of 21cm x 21cm. It has 206 pages (198 for pictures), fully...
  6. C

    Drosera "curviscapa" in South Africa

    Hi, we only found Drosera curviscapa in the Fernkloo Nature Reserve near Hermanus. In cultivation this plant is also known as Drosera sp. "Hermanus" oder Drosera aliciae "Hermanus". Christian
  7. C

    Grow list

    The list below does not include any seeds waiting for germination. Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea muscipula “Akai Red” “Big Mouth” “Freak” “Sawtooth” “South West Giant” Drosera adelae admirabilis aliciae aliciae...
  8. C

    Yet another growlist

    Here my growlist Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea muscipula “Akai Red” “Big Mouth” “Freak” “Sawtooth” “South West Giant” Drosera adelae admirabilis aliciae aliciae ‘veined flower’ binata var. dichotoma...
  9. Copper

    Copper's grow list

    TRAPS Dente, Red Dragon Cup trap Typical X Big Mouth BYBLIS liniflora DROSEA aliciae adelae admiraliblis (2) angelica ascendans...
  10. C

    Some rare drosera wanted

    Hallo, I'm looking for some rarer Drosera. If someone has something (leafs,roots,seeds, plants and so on) spare, it would be great if he/she could make me an offer. I know, this will most probably just be a try to get some of these. Drosera burkeana Drosera estherhuysenae Drosera curviscapa...
  11. C

    Some rare drosera wanted

    Hallo, I'm looking for some rarer Drosera. If someone has something (leafs,roots,seeds, plants and so on) spare, it would be great if he/she could make me an offer. I know, this will most probably just be a try to get some of these. Drosera burkeana Drosera estherhuysenae Drosera curviscapa...
  12. PlantAKiss

    Compilation of Books/Papers on Droserae, by Tamlin Dawnstar

    SELECTED READINGS IN DROSERA Compiled by William "Tamlin" Dawnstar I have been asked often enough for some pertinent “scientific” literature regarding the genus Drosera.  The following is a very non-academic compilation taken from notes, jottings and the like.  I hope some of it proves useful...
  13. T

    Drosera bibliography

    For the W.E.I.R.D.: Selected Readings in Drosera: A Bibliography I have been asked often enough for some pertinent “scientific” literature regarding the genus Drosera. The following is a very non-academic compilation taken from notes, jottings and the like. I hope some of it proves useful. I...
  14. T

    South African Droserae

    Is anyone currently growing any of these plants? admirabilis aliciae "Plains form" coccicaulis curviscapa esterhuyseniae jacobii sp. Rhodesia sp. malwai sp. South Africa Also the legitimate species: affinis, alba, burkeana, cuneifolia, galabripes, hilaris, pillosa, trinervia, or venusta? I...