Frakkin Toaster
I just rescued another S. purpurea from Lowe's today (although it does look a lot like an S x Catesbaei), and I repotted it as soon as I got home. I basicaly unwrapped the plant from the stuff they had it wrapped in (The dirt, I mean, I looked like sphagnum, but I wasn't sure) and replaced the soil with a 50/50 sand/sphagnum mix. Right now, however, it looks a bit wilted, and I'm wondering If I should be concerned for the plant's survival. I tried not to harm the roots, though I think I may have accidently broken one near the surface as I was unwrapping
, but the rest of the roots are fine. I also filled the pitchers with distilled water and it's sitting in a tray of the same stuff. Will my plant be okay? And is the dirt it comes in okay, or was I wise to replant it? I'm probably just overreacting, but I wanted to be sure. Thanks.