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Wilting purps


Frakkin Toaster
I just rescued another S. purpurea from Lowe's today (although it does look a lot like an S x Catesbaei), and I repotted it as soon as I got home. I basicaly unwrapped the plant from the stuff they had it wrapped in (The dirt, I mean, I looked like sphagnum, but I wasn't sure) and replaced the soil with a 50/50 sand/sphagnum mix. Right now, however, it looks a bit wilted, and I'm wondering If I should be concerned for the plant's survival. I tried not to harm the roots, though I think I may have accidently broken one near the surface as I was unwrapping  
, but the rest of the roots are fine. I also filled the pitchers with distilled water and it's sitting in a tray of the same stuff. Will my plant be okay? And is the dirt it comes in okay, or was I wise to replant it? I'm probably just overreacting, but I wanted to be sure. Thanks.
i wouldn't be too worried. this happens to me a lot. i believe that the wilting is due to the sudden humidity change that the plant has just gone through. my guess is that the plant was in one of those pots with a clear, domed lid over top?

Just the basic lowes care for the plant has it in shock to such a better climate that you have provided. Lowes doesnt care for their plants well, hope it does well,
I'm a little curious about this whole "Lowes/ Home Depot ect " thing. If we all know that they mishandle their plants, and the stores know they mishandle their plants, WHY do you encourage them to continue by purchasing plants from them? I have not seen any cps at any of my local Home Depots, but I do know of at least 1 local commercial nursery that knowingly mishandles their cps. I don't give them any business at all, even though its 10 miles farther out to the next closest nursery. The stores will only continue to sell/kill these plants as long as people buy them.
Just my opinion
The joke here in Atlanta about HomeDepot is that the empolyees say, "If we have to water it, it has been here to long." Both HomeDepot and Lowe's are not nurseries, they are home supply stores that happen to have garden centers. They don't give a #### about the plants. They (the plants) are seen just as another commody to sell and the quicker the better. I see the orchids treated the same way. The agreement HD has with the vendors is, you stock us and we offer the space and location but if it does not sell, gets to looking bad or dies you take it back at no cost to us. HD makes it's money on sheer volumn of sales. You will never hurt HD or Lowe's by not shopping there. Just be there the day the vendors stock the shelves and have sharpe eyes. Cps are seen as novelty plants and impulse buys not horticultural treasures. Even at the better nurseries, you will find the VFT at the cash registers in their little plastic cups labeled, "Little Pots of Horrors.' A gimmick to entice an impulse buys. I often buy them to free them from certain death and sometimes I am even surprised at the unusual selection I can find. I recently found S. flava heavily veined, S. flava maxima and D. filiformis filiformis.
The only place I've seen handle their CP's properly that isn't an on-line store is the Botanical Gardens gift shop. They actually have part of the giant green houses converted into a CP production area
I actually got my S. luecophylia(sp?) 'tarnok', S. 'catsbie(sp?)', S. 'Judith Hindle', and my S. wriglyana(sp?) at Wal-Mart, along with a few typical S. flavas and a S purpurea that was in flower. I have also saved a few Vfts, and I am going to save an unidetified plant when they put their cps on sale for 75cents. When they do I'll probably put a post in the trading forum to see if anyone wants me to get them one.
