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Wild things in moss?

Hi, I purchased a bag of canadian spanhgum peat moss, And replanted my VFT in it. THe problem is, Ive heard of people saying "i found some seeds in mine that sprotued". "In mine there were some dormant seeds that popped up a month later"? Does this usually happen? or ??
I've had that happen a lot. It's usually grass or some other weed with mine. I usually leave them until they become a nuisance (interfering with the growth of my main plant and the such) I figure everything deserves a fighting chance. It would be nice if it would just grow knew moss.
westrap. I got small ferns growing from peat moss in my terrarium. They need lots of humidity to sprout though. I also have live spagnum that had to come from seed.
i bought a bail of canadian sphagnum peat and when i got it home and opened it, there was live moss already growing in the bag!! water had seeped into the bag and wet the peat allowing the spores to germinate. i used it to top some pots i have and its growin great!
