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Wierd Pitchers

Hi, a couple of the new pitchers on my new purple pitcher are growing well oddly. They seem to be too skinny to support the weight of a pitcher. The pitchers haven't opened yet but it is all ready sagging over from the weight. Could it be its' conditions or is this normal. It's in a fish tank with a humidifier but no way to check how high it is. It gets twelve hours of flourescent a day and the temps have been pretty high but not terribly, mid eighties to mid nineties with some baggies of ice put in when it's too hot. Any ideas? Thanks.
If its a long growing Sarracenia, I would bet that the problem is the light. I had problems with a 400W high pressure lamp which even turned VFTs red. My flava and leucophylla didnt sent out one good pitcher under this conditions.
How far away are the plants from the lights. I'd make the lights go on for 14-16 hours a day.
Hi, the light is 12 inches away and it's only a 60 watt full spectrum flourescent. I'm gonna get a hood with nice tubes soon but can't now. Is that too far away. I could put it on a pedestal of some sort if that would help. Thanks from a newie.
I dont think 60W would be enough even if you put it into the pitchers

As I already told you, I used a special 400W lamp and still had problems to get the longer types to pitcher proberly.
Get the plants as close as you can with out them touching the tubes, but do this slowly. While you're doing that slowly increase the amount of time the light are on.This can go as high as 16 hours wich is what I would try to get it up to.
Thanks alot everyone for your help. Poor plant won't get any real light for another two or three monthes. I'll try putting the light into the pitchers hee hee. Hopefully it'll at least be happier if I move it closer and increase the amount of time its on.