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Why vft's?

Why do you grow VFT's ? Post your reasons!

I guess I do because they exhibit some unique characteristics (for plants).

1) The traps move to catch food . (other plants move, eg Mimosa Pudica - Sensitive plant, but this moves as a defence, not to catch food)

2) They can digest protien and fat! (ok, other CP's do this, but they don't move like a VFT does)

I also wonder what's the age and gender of people who grow VFT's. Could ya include this in any response?
I'm 22yr Male.

14yr old male,I guess I grow them because they are so bizare and beutifal(sp).
18 yr old male, Got my first flytrap from a friend, guess I just fell in love or something

Greetings & happy growing

There is just something about growing a plant that snaps shut around animal prey. Its the thrill of watching your friend jump 3 feet or more off the ground when the trap snaps closed around their finger for the first time. Its watching the bear traps close around a slow moving ladybug drinking the sweat nectar of its demise. Its the excitement of watching as a pot of venus flytraps with 50+ traps close in 10 minutes as a swarm of flies lands to feed. Its watching as an earwig is caught and a wasp feeds on the nectar soon after the closing.

Well, thats all I can think of at the moment.
Wildfire, with your grey hair, I put you at least 40+!

I grow them because they are so bizarre and seemingly animal like. VFTs seem the most 'human' to me with their quick movement and ability to trap and eat bugs. Also I think I grow them because they are so difficult to grow and it is a reward in itself to keep such an exotic plant alive when everything else in my life gets neglected. Also they are the perfect size for my place.

Oh yeah, and because I hate bugs.
Many a bug that has bothered me has ended up as a meal for my plants. Watching the traps close around the bugs never gets old to me.

Oh yeah, I'm 22 and male.
Jhaluska,you think fflytraps are hard to grow?
I grow them because:

1)They sparked my interest in Cps when I got one from WalMart

2) They look awesome when they get the bright red interiors and the green exteriors.

3) You can feed them anything!

4) They are hard to kill, once you have it healthy!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you think flytraps are hard to grow?[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>

Yes. I failed several times when I was younger (about 8-10 years ago). This was before the web and all the books I read were wrong for where I lived at the time (South Texas), and sometimes even gave down right bad advice. I believe I failed due to poor air circulation, too much sun light and heat, wrong flourescent lighting and too much water.

You probably just take it for granted that you are able to ask 20+ other people their opinion on a topic. If you didn't live in the correct climate and didn't know it, you would be likely to fail also. It would be like trying to get a polar bear to live in the desert.

And yes, I still think they are hard to grow. If they were easy to grow, everybody would have them.
I got into them because my dad said I couldn't have a lizard. So I asked if I could have a venus flytrap. His exact words...... I dont care how many fu$#ing plants you have. Bad mistake.

I know like them because it was the first one I killed and my dad hates them.

13 year old male(lots of males)
  • #10

I don't know why I just do.

  • #11
I grow VFT's because they are beautiful, fun, easy to grow, and the main reason is because it is the first CP that I ever grew. If it weren't for the VFT I wouldn't be growing all of the other wonderful CP's that I am growing now, like sarrs, neps, pings etc...

I'm a 20 year old male
  • #12
13 year old male kid thast just keeps getting older and older with the mind getting younger and younger
. i grow them cuz they catch there prey in a cool way , they are so colorful and beutiful , you can learn so much from them , you can scare off your friends and family
( muahahahaha ) .
  • #13
Huh,even when I was 7yrs old I kept it alive for 2yrs (it died when we moved to hot dry oklahoma).But that could just be beause new york was cool and humid,and it used to grow such big traps it would catch wasps! I guess maybe I just had good luck? The only problem I`ve had is I can`t seem to get them to sprout from leaf cuttings (I used old trapless leafs though)
  • #14
oh and I forgot. My brother and mom hates vfts too.
  • #15
I grow vft's 'cuz they are they were the first CP I could get at a store and (for me
) easy to grow now that I know what they need to be healthy.

As of yesterday I officially became an old man at 46.....I recieved my first pair of bifocals

  • #16
The movement is compelling. Also, like a lot of people, I always wanted to grow them from childhood. Now, they are great terrarium(s) plants for bright windows. If they get just the right light (especially) and other stuff the colors really are amazing.

If a fly gets in the house, MUHAHAHAHA! You know how flies buzz around windows? Double MUHAHAHAHA!
  • #17
Oh yeah, 38, male. My wife likes having the terrariums around now also. We were thinking about getting fish tanks. This is much better, IMO. I also put some sundews in with the VFTs, or some kind of small sarracenia.