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The camera that I used kind of sucks it was free with my Visa reward points and has no flash or focus lol The "pen cam"
sounded cooler then it turned out to be.
hmm Hard to say for sure on the ribs/wings thing as the pitcher quality doesn't really show it well. To me it looks like just raised ribs and not wings. Which would fit fine with N. ventricosa description. The rest of the pitcher shape and what is visible for leaf sure look like a young N. ventricosa to me.
ok, ok everyone. The leaves do look like ventrincosa leaves, and the pitchers look like ventrincosa pitchers. But I think we should wait to see other peoples opinions.
Ventricosa has wings when it's young, as it ages the wings get shortwer and shorter until then go away. So yeah spect, your right no win on this disscusion.
I have that same plant (we bought it at the same store)... Its ventricosa... I'm quite positive. The newest pitcher that opened (it was pretty much ready to open when i bought it), and it looks even more ventricosa... It only lacks the fluted peristome...
it does look like a young ventricosa, and Agristarts does sell TC plugs of that species, but I have seen quite a few alata x ventricosa hybrids up here (large plants). Is it possible it could be that, or a hybrid back-crossed with a ventricosa?
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