Hey there, greetings from the Philippines,
Actually I saw once some Venus Flytraps for sale on a annual flower fair (that was in September 2002?) in Los Banos, Laguna. They were very expensive around 9$ (which is a fortune in the Philippines) a piece, the nursery was from Davao(!
. Putting them in a tupperware in the fridge for a few months is not a big sacrifice i guess, but i haven't tried it myself yet, but i know that many people in other tropical climates are relatively ok doing that. I don't try yet, I am more excited with Neps.
Nepenthes can indeed be found in surprisingly many nurseries, especially close to mountains where they occur naturally, just don't give up and keep on looking. I found them even in malls and a huge alata at an beach-resort on Boracay island. Hint: Look for hanging coconut-pots with brown, dry pitchers because most people keep them way too dry or sometimes too dark. They are also not always known as pitcher-plants, but also sogod-sogod, mosquito killer, pitchel-pitchel and more, better bring a photo and show it to people...
Make however sure that the plants are not removed from nature, but artificially propagated.
Please feel free to contact me if you are also from the Philippines, i'd like to get contact to some local CP growers and i might have stuff for sale or to trade.
Joel: Spontaneously I see that the huge N. sibuyanensis and N. copelandii is missing on that list, but there might be more.