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What species is my sundew?

I just bought it off a plant shop but the clerk was only able to inform me that it was a Drosera. I would like to know what the species is, is there an easy way to find out?

Welcome to the forums! Your plant is likely either Drosera capensis (long thin leaves) Drosera adelae (flat, pointy ended leaves) or Drosera spatulata or D. rotundifolia (small leaves that are thin and have a larger end). Can you describe your plant or post a picture of it?

Hey Cabus, did it come from a lable like "Gubbler's" or "Little Pot of Horrors?" That might help us out, too.
I'd like to post a picture, but my webcam isn't helping. Gah. Its leaves are long (about 2 and a half inches) and narrow, with the tip curling outwards.

I'm thinking it's a Drosera capensis (it looks sorta like this Drosera capensis), but I'm not too sure.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

(edit: it didn't come with any label. Ah well)
Here is a link to an image of Drosera intermedia at the Carnivorous Plant Database website.
