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Welcom to the newest forum

Hi All!

Since we get a TON of questions privately as well as a number of questions in our forums about places to go to get plants outside of the USA as well as care information specific to foreign climates and environments, I thought it would be perfect to open this new forum!

I'd like this forum to be moderated BY people in the UK, Canada, and other foreign countries and used by the people seeking information that is local to them when they are not in the US.

Hopefully this will be helpful to those that come here from other places... and will help make this a complete site for a more global audience.

Any suggestions would be welcomed!
Hi Phil,
Could this mean things like a trade list for growers to sell their plants on this forum as well as commercial outlets?

An idea could be to have forums or sections by country. EG a grower in Canada will not be able to buy from someone in Europe so would this be possible to segregate?
Another idea which may make things easier might be to have a note underneath everyone's avatar stating the country where they reside. I don't know if this is feasable or not with Ikonboard, but I've seen it done on a couple of computer forums.
I"m from canada, and I know that it would be useful to have ppl from here be known so that it is more convenient for trading...
It is possible to pull the member location out and put in in their post information under their avator, the changes (in IB3, but should be the same in ib2) would be made in the various Topic files. If you would like any assistance I can give you the exact files and locations of them.

This could be really useful for people living outside of the US.


I'll gladly take suggestions on how to add to the board.

I've not done an upgrade to IB 3 because of bugs and import issues... I'm watching it closely though, to see if I can make use of it some way.

If you have hacks/files that modify IB2.x, let me know!

Until then, how about putting your location in your signature line?
Signature Line works for me, I do not run the 2.x version so can't hack it any and from what I see here and what I would have to hack in 3 to get some of the nicer look n feel you have, I wish I would have had an option to go with the 2.x.
