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Want list?

Hi, as you all know, I'm in love with cps. I was bound down by the lack of funds. So I was wondering, if people can post their wantlist, by this way, I can start my cp collection with plants that people want. When these starting cps grows, and I'm allowed to produce many seedlings/seeds, I would be able to trade them to the "wanters" This will vastly improve my chance of expanding my growlist by trading. By growing plants that other people want, will increase my chances of trading with people that want these plants. So, I'm just asking for people to post their want list so I can start my growlist from these. -_^, wish me luck,

Hey, what a nice idea you have going there!

So here is my want list:
1) B. Linifolia
2) P. Esseriana
3) Sawtooth VFT
4) U. Nephrophylla
5) U. Multifida
6) Red/white flower D. Pulchellas
7) D. Pygmea from Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand
Red D. Capensis
9) Red D. Filiformis
10) D. Prolifera

This is what I have for now (can't really trade these though)
1) 3 Narrow leaf D. Capensis
2) 1 clump of D. Spatulatas
3) 3 tiny P. Laueanas
4) 1 P. Esseriana
5) 6 D. Dichrosepalas
6) 2 multiple crowned Cephalotus

Hope you and I can make a deal for some of these plants some time, Peace LA Traphole
Really, all I want right now(and due to a limited amount of space) are a few plants.

 giant (doesnt matter what form just really big

 minor "okee giant"
 lucophylla (sp?[not 'tarnok'])

I like your idea and I might try that sometime.

Here's what I have. (can't trade yet except for on the one metioned.)

 Red dragon
 Green dragon

 Flava (typical)
 Catsbie (sp)
 Wriglyanna (sp)
 Luecophylla 'Tarnok'
 Purpurea ssp venosa (seed this fall)
 'Judith Hindle'

 Spatulata (pink flowers)
 Falconeri (well I'll have it by the end of this week)


 Minor x Hetrodexa (well I'll have it by the end of this week)


Oh and if anyone sees anything on what I have I'd be glad to talk trade.  It may take a while but... oh well.
I think MANY MANY people are looking for Cephs.  (Me included!  
)  That is a long term investment though, because of their slow rate of growth.


(P.S. If anybody has leaf cuttings/ small plants, I'm interested&#33
Your Idea is really great! I suffer from lack of funds right now. Its that my parents yell at me every time I spend a dime even though I earned it myself. My family are tight wads.

Heres my 5 most wanted seeds
5 N. clipeata
4 N. ampullaria
3 S. Purpurea v. montana
2 S. Flava
1 S. alabemis (don't know how to spell it but it is what the ICPS was selling)
I know how ya feel about the family being tight wads. I earn my money and I spend it though. My parents don't mind.

P. Vulgaris
S. Flava

Willing to Trade:
VFT "Dente" Cutting
D. Capensis plantlet
S. Purpurea
I earn lots of money, but spending is like a crime in my family. LOL

(even 70 cents for free seed is)
My want list right now is:

D. Capensis "red"
D. Filliformis "red"
S. Flava

  • #10
Great thinking DKiM128

It's not big but it's something jejeje
n. clipeata
n. merilliana
n. northiana
n. bicalcarata red
n. ampularia red
n. eustachya
n. albomarginata
n. veitchii lowland
  • #11
Cephalotus isnt a slow growing plant for me. I get at least 4 pitchers a month.
It is a great plant. And easy to grow, I think everyone should have one.
  • #12
R U willing to trade leaf cuttings? PM me PT2!
  • #13
All I relly want is a red dragon
  • #14
My two main wants are:
N. Sanguinea
U. purpurea

  • #15
i`m looking for anything but saracienia seed!
  • #16
Looking for:

Sarracenia minor 'Okee Giant'

For Trade seedlings of the following. All are from Walton Co., FL

S. purpurea ssp venosa var. 'Burkei'
S. flava heavily veined
S. psittacenia
S. leucophylla
S. mooeri
S. flava rubricorpa
  • #17
I pine for any Nepenthes, Ceph, or the purple flytrap. Oh, I pine, I burn.
  • #18
My Want List:
Green Dragon
Red Dragon
S. Alata
S. Purpurea ssp Venosa
I think that's it
  • #19
I'm noticing that some of your wantlist are very common to find, I bet you guys can easily trade for those things.