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VFT Pics

tuyen thi

Post pics of your VFT's here .
Nothing special... Photo is a few weeks old. The plant is much redder now. (too lazy to take new photo!
Nice vft I can't even get mines to look lifke that . Where did you get it from .
Hi Tuyen. Here's a picture of a tiny red dragon, and my first ever flytrap.



Hi trashcan what is the dros growing with the VFT do you have extra or seeds(I see the flower). really neat

(Edited by Jeremiah at 8:52 pm on May 6, 2002)
Jeremiah: It's actually a sterile hybrid (I believe). Sorry!
Trashcan, what species is it, however. Ive never gotten any droseras to survive dormancy wth my vft's.
I'm not sure.. They were put in there after dormancy so they wouldn't die.
