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I want to transfer my VFTs from the original 3" pots to a terrarium. How is this done? Any advise?
I am particularly concerned about the watering rule (i.e., keeping them submerged in a couple inches). There would be no submergance to speak of in a terrarium? How do you water them?
I was wondering if there is any particular reason you want to put your flytraps into a terrarium? And do you plan to leave them in pots or put them into soil?
You can put VFTs into a terrarium...many people do. But personally I think it makes them harder to care for. You will have to make sure that they do not become overheated (heat builds up faster in an enclosed space). Your plants also need good air circulation or they can mold or rot. Dormancy becomes an issue if they are planted with any plants who do not need dormancy. If you only have VFTs in the terrarium, you will still need to either put the entire terrarium in a cold place for the winter or you will need to dig them all up and refrigerate. A flytrap doesn't NEED to be in a terrarium as they don't have the humidity requirements some CPs do...and it will be harder for the plant to feed naturally if its enclosed. But if you just like the look, then thats ok.
The VFTs do not need to be "submerged" in water. They do need be kept wet and to sit in a tray or saucer of about 1/2 of water at all times so they never dry out.
My experience with VFTs in a terrarium was not good. They turned black and died. It wasn't until I left them in their pots and kept them outside that I never had another problem with them. They are happy and healthy.
You can put your plants into a terrarium if you want to but you will need to pay attention to temps, air circulation, dormancy requirements, etc.
Yeh, I can help with this one, I specialise in terrarium VFT (because mine turn black and die without them, lol).
Terrarium VFTs require different care from non terrarium VFT, thats why they usually die in a terrarium. You don't want it loose in the terrarium, that introduces way to many watering and drainage issues. Insted, try burrying the whole pot
I've never boiled a vft in a terrarium, but it happens. To avoid this, make sure the soil is saturated, but if you were to pick the pot out, no water would run out. This makes sure you have good moisture but not so much as to cooks your plant. At this point, your plant needs lots of light and thats about it. Make sure you vent the tank once a week for a few hours and replace lost moisture. If you put in to much water, leave the lid off for a while. Aside from some water and location tweeking, thats all their is to it. (Oh and don't seal the tank every if it is in a location that is normally hot)
I have mine in a terrarium until May then I take the vft's out and stick'em outside until end of September. In October back into the terrarium until November/December then on to dormancy. Every thing works great for me.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PlantAKiss @ April 16 2003,06:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wow...3' pots??!! They must be some d*amn big VFTs! How about some pics?
I really don't have a need to put them in a terrarium I just thought it'd look better.
I was thinking of keeping a lizard or two in there as well. But the temp would have to be high for them which sound bad for the VFTs. Would the lizards eat the VFTs?
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ptanka @ April 17 2003,12:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wow! Thanks for all the responses.
I really don't have a need to put them in a terrarium I just thought it'd look better.
I was thinking of keeping a lizard or two in there as well. But the temp would have to be high for them which sound bad for the VFTs. Would the lizards eat the VFTs?
Hmmmm. I'll have to think about this.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
uh, you might want to hold off on exotic pets untill you learn more about them. Reptiles are hard to care for and if you are asking about if a lizard will eat a plant... your not ready to own one. Oh and no, don't put animals in with VFTs they set off the traps.
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