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VFT Growing In UK

Back again, with more questions.

When I learned that I need 2-4 flourescent lights for VFT's I decided that the Sun could help me more, but since I've never spent a summer at home, only abroad, I wondered if our climate is actually sunny enough to provide the plants with enough light. I'm not talking about a greenhouse, just my south facing window. What luck have you guys had growing VFT's indoors in the UK?

Thanks :confused:
No problem whatsoever. I grow mine on an east facing windowsill, although I always put them outside when it's warm and sunny. But even through the sunless days of March and April they grow fine.
Sounds promising - I have skylights in the roof so the plants won't actually be right next to the glass, is this ok?
Thanks for the e-mail.
It doesn't matter whether the plant will be next to the glass or not as long as it's getting the light. You'll be able to tell if you turn the lights off and you see the whitish sun (well cloud) light.

Re. your e-mail: the nurseries that sell VFTs usually pretty much ignore them and you get kids sticking their fingers in the traps
However, you can tell a healthy one from just looking at the size. It's pretty obvious when they have been teased and mistreated.
They usually come in tiny pots and you might be a bit surprised at the small size of them at first. They will be potted in the correct peat but If you repot them in a bigger pot in new peat (buy a bale of sphagnum peat moss from a garden centre) then they will grow much bigger.
The photo I sent you is a picture of the South West Giant. I'm going to buy one in the spring
My current collection is hibernating in the greenhouse and looks a bit pathetic at the moment.

(Edited by Alvin Meister at 3:53 pm on Jan. 10, 2002)
That's fine, thanks for your help