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VFT at FEF Thomson

Hi Singaporeans,
For those of you who have yet to see VFT in the process of flowering, you can drop by FEF thomson to witness it. They have a few pots of VFT with stalks intact. However, base on my judgement they will never flower because most of them look half dead.
Hi Vistary, yeah I saw them the other day also when I went to buy some peat moss. Normally it is advised to cut off the flower stalk because it weakens the adult plant and it will most likely die. So admire the flowers (although they aren't that great) but I wouldn't advise you to buy the flowering venus flytraps.
Happy growing, Neil
I thought FEF doesn't sell Sphagnum Peat Moss? But they do sell Dried Long Fibre Spahgnum Moss from NZ.
The Sphagnum Peat Moss from Ikea is great, its Canadian type, the exact type for most carnivorous plants as stated in most CP books.
Most of you are using the local "Horti" one?
I prefer the Candanian one from Ikea than the Horti one. However, the Canadian one has lots of twigs in it. A pain to remove. However, I like the color, which is brown, rather than the black of Horti.

The NZ LFS from FEF is really good. I like it alot.
yeah i like the FEF one more than the black kind
Horti Peat Moss - really peat-like i.e. tiny pieces of semi-decomposed plant material.

FEF sphagnum peat - They used to sell it at $3.90 for the size of a 5-kg rice packet. But now they only have it in HUMONGOUS pack. The peat is more like coconut fibre, stringy. Problem is that it tends to compact when you water overhead...unless you have perlite or bark to make the mixture more airy. And repotting is quite a headache because the roots of the plants will be entwined with the peat.

Long fibre sphagnum moss - FEF ones are thicker yellow "ropes". I bought one pack (from China) from Jimei nursery at Joan Rd. So far so good although it's thinner and tend to have more twigs.
Cindy, where exactly is Joan Road, because the sphagnum moss that you bought could be the same as the one I bought at a orchid fest at the botanical gardens last month I have been trying to track down the sphagnum moss since then. Did the moss come in half kilo packs?

Vistary, are you talking about the schultz canadian sphagnum peat moss? that's the only one I use for my carnivorous plants. That moss is the best anyone can find, extrememly soft, extremely high quality, however extremely expensive. I still highly recommend that type of moss though.

(Is a pure combination of moss such as sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat moss good for use with seeds?)

Jason: There are presently 2 popular brands of Spahgnum Peat Moss in S'pore. They are the local brand Horti or the US brand Scultz. Personally, I prefer Scultz due to its better quality and the moss is "Canadian" type.
As for germination of seeds, it really depends on the genus of CP.
For VFT, you should use a 60% SPM, 30% LFS, 10 %SiO2, and try to maintain 100% relative humidity.
As for the other genus of CP like sundews, you may ask guqin and the rest.
Thanks vistary
Also Cpers, how do you store seeds, do I have to use the refrigerator, and how long can I store them?

  • #10
Jason, Joan Rd is after Thomsom Rd (FEF side), on the left. It's where Island Nursery and Jimei are situated, within walking distance from FEF.
  • #11
Thanks Cindy!
I'll go there after my exams
