I have been hunting for info, here is some from two people who helped me out. I'll post more as I find it.
"I found the notes from Lowrie. He says to grow U. menziessi exactly like
tuberous sundews, and they require a dry dormancy during the summer. During
dormancy, the soil shouldn't be allowed to dry out too quickly, and should be
slightly moist for 2 months. They are not high temperature plants, and they
prefer cool temperatures (5 to 20 degrees C) in their active growth period which
is during the winter. Medium mix is 50/50 sand/peat, or 80/20 sand/peat. Water
from above, do not allow to sit in standing water. Provide the strongest light
possible. If you're starting with a tuber, plant the tuber to a depth of 3 times
the diameter of the tuber, with the growing eye facing up. Should be grown in a
4-inch pot or bigger. The bigger the pot, the better as it keeps the temperature
in the soil from fluctuating too much."
"Treat them exactly as for tuberous sundews"