I wanted to share with everyone a chance to see Heliamphora, Utricularia, and Drosera growing in habitat on the 9000-foot high plateau in Venezuela, Mount Roraima. David Atteborough has a 6-volume video series titled 'The Private Life of Plants'; in volume 6, "It's a Jungle Out There", you can see him walking atop the mountain plateau through patches of Heliamphora, Utricularia and Drosera (the species that forms tall stalks of dead leaves as it grows). The highlight of this volume (in my opinion) is a detailed segment showing Uticularia humboldtii 'hunting' in time-lapse photography as it searches out various bromeliad pools until it finds suitable prey. You can see the plant sending tendrils out and growing bladders as it hunts for mosquito larvae, all in time-lapse. David walks through a beautiful natural garden of CPs in a constantly saturated environment. I hope others are able to see this video, it's awesome.