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Utricularia blooming!

2 weeks ago, for my birthday, i recieved a large number of plants from goldtrap2690. One of them was an unknown aquatic utric. Well, when i got it, it was 2 inches long, now, it has 2 branches, and is over 5 inches long! on each of the branches is a flower bud! WOOHOO!!
My first aquatic flower!
update: flower buds are getting bigger by the day. they should open by tomorrow, i hope. any suggestions?
update: flower buds are getting bigger by the day. they should open by tomorrow, i hope.
you mean the aquatic utrcis that I sent you , are blooming , they never bloomed for me and i'be had them way longer then you , oooooooh , whats your secret all the plants i send you end up growing fast , blooming , and get bigger . when it flowers take a cpi so i can help identify it , it may be a minor or vulgaris .
U. minor and vulgaris are pretty different. I think U. vulgaris would have to be quite a bit bigger than 5" to flower - maybe 5' would do. It is a much more substantial species than minor.
