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SirKristoff is a poopiehead
Staff member
I started this topic in "Utricularia, Aldrovanda, Genlisea" to ask some questions about a species that I was going to look for, U.floridana. I'm going to continue this topic here because it turned out that it has alot more to do with alot of diffrent species.

Like I said before I've been in the Green Swamp for the last two days and I found quite a few plants. I even found a butterwort, The first one I've ever seen in the wild!!!! (actually my wife found and she's not letting me forget that she found it and not me)
 I also saw alot of vft's and some S.flavas, purpureas, and rubras. I also saw some D, capillaris. Only thing I didn't find that I found before when I was here is D. intermedia, but it's winter and I didn't get to the big sundew site I found last summer. I didn't get to all the sites because " The Great Butterwort Hunter"
 didn't want to get her boots muddy.

Anyway yesterday I found the site that has the bladderwort that I think is U.floridana. What I saw yesterday didn't look like what I saw this summer. Two possibilities, one there are more than one bladderwort species in the ditch and  the bladderwort I saw before went dormant and is not visible now, or two the bladderwort I saw yesterday is the same but it didn't retain the foxtail look that it had this summer.
So does anybody know if U. floridana loses it's foxtail look when it's dormant?
Well tomorrow's another busy day, I'm going to a site that my brother owns. It has S. flavas, minors, purpureas and alot of hybrids.  
 I'll post some of the pics when I get them developed.

You might want to contact Barry A. Rice (bazza@sarracenia.com) who has published a few papers on Ultricularia.
Ozzy, what part of the Green Swamp were you in? I was there last July and couldn't find many cp's of any kind. I was told it was because the weather had been too dry and the temps were higher that normal. All the pictures that I shot were lost because my camera had developed a light leak.
I'm still trying to determine how big a hammer I will need to fix the camera (the bigger the better).
I made the same post that I made here on the cp listserv so Barry has already contacted me. He's going to help me ID it.

I was here in July too, To bad we didn't meet up together, I could have showed you where they were. The best place to see the plants are just off hwy 211 west of the town of Supply. I won't give out a detailed locatotion here for obvious reasons.

I've found all the species I listed above except S.minor at this site. I'm planning to come back in June if you can make it let me know.
By the way where did you look and who did you talk to?
Did you find any cp's?
It was very dry here last summer. The plants didn't look their best but they were here.

I have planned a trip here in June with Tamlin, If anybody wants to join us email me for details.
Ozzy, thanks for the invitation. Hopefully, we might be able arrange a trip in June because we also want to see Kitty Hawk.

We very well may have crossed paths because we were near where you were. I got some information from a lady at the   Lake Waccamaw State Park and she directed us to the Nature Conservancy near Supply off of 211. The date was July 13 and 14.
All we saw were a few S. pupurea and VTF's, and they were pretty drought stressed. They appeared to be in dormancy.
It is such beautiful country out there except for driving at night through the swamp when the whole world turns wet at somewhere around 110% humidity.  

BTW, what's the status of the landfill development project that was being planned in the Green Swamp? Cheers to the Nature Conservancy and others for fighting it.
Like I said before I'll keep updating through out the trip.

I decided to try to go to one of the sites that I was told was to wet for me to get to. They told me that there was alot of purpureas there. I don't know if they were there because they was right about it being too wet. I went as far as I could then I got out of the car and walked around and looked. I found a area that was wet and had alot of spaghman moss. So I concentrated on that spot. I was looking and The Great Butterwort Hunter was looking where I had already looked. I got as far as I could go and I told her that there was nothing there. She then yelled back "Guess what I found" I thought oh no here we go again. I walked over to her and she said it was a sundew. I looked at it and I told her it looks a little like a D. brefolia. So she started bragging about she found it and I didn't. We walked back toward the car and I looked down and I saw more brefolias. I told her to look. She asked what it was I told her it was brefolia. She said she found them first in the other spot. I told her "No what she found was capillaris, anybody could find a capillaris."
What she don't know won't hurt her.
Now her title has changed to The Great CP Hunter.
I'm going home tomorrow. It's a 12 hr ride And I know I'm going here about how she found the plants that I've never even found.
Don't worry I already told her she's not allowed to go with us in June, then I told her that I would charge everybody that shows up in June $10 to get to meet The Great CP Hunter.
She didn't think that was very funny.
Then we went to the other site on my brother's property and we saw S.flavas, purpureas, minors, and some hybrids. I told her to go ahead and find some sundew or butterwort that I couldn't find the last time I was there. Good thing she didn't.

I only saw 2 minors. It was real wet and hard to look for them, I hope they are not dying out there. It's the only site of minors that I know that's left in NC. I tried to talk my brother into burning the land so that they would come back alot healthier but he didn't want to do it.
I think that's it for my trip to the swamp. I look forward to coming back in June, I hope to see some of you guys here.
I'll post some websites that you can learn about the green swamp when I get home.
I'm back home now, I had a good time in the swamp. I saw alot of plants, and I found some new sites. If you are into cp's this is a place that you have to see. I read that there are more diferent species of cp's here than anywhere else in the world. Here is a list of cp's that I know that grows here.

Dionea muscipula

Sarracenia purpurea
Sarracenia flava
Sarracenia rubra
Sarracenia minor

Utricularia purpurea
Utricularia juncea
Utricularia inflata
Utricularia subulata
Utricularia cornuta

Drosea capillaris
Drosea filiformis
Drosea intermedia
Drosea brevifolia

Pinguicula caerulea
Pinguicula lutea

If you've thought about going there here's some websites where you can learn about the area. Remember my invitation is still open if anybody wants to meet me there next June.


