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Tricolor or tridentata

ok......I screwed up (kinda)  

I recieved a couple of plants a month back, U. tricolor and U. tridentata, and thankfully both are doing well, but when I got them I took some loose pieces and tossed those in one of my terrariums.

Well now whatever one it was I tossed in the terrarium is growing very very well......but I dont remember what it was  

I can tell the 2 original plants apart very easily, but I cannot tell what the plant is in the terrarium, the conditions there are alot different then my normal growing areas, low light, very high humidity.

Does anyone have a good way to tell these 2 apart?

A photo would do the trick! I don't have a copy of Taylor, so I will leave this to someone that has.
Tridentata leaves are teardrop shaped, tricolor are heart shaped, or at very least will have the side closest to the petiole somwhat flattened.
Thanks, I will take a closer look when I get home tonight and see if I can determine what they are!!!
ok after starin at my original clumps of tricolor and tridentata, I have concluded you cannot really tell apart the mature leaves, but dodecatheon was right, the young leaves on the tricolor are heart shaped while the young leaves on tridentata are tear drop shaped.

Im gonna go stare at my unidentified plants and figure out what they r......